Welcome to the Vault.

Sometimes you start an idea and it doesn't go the way you hoped. Sometimes a series fizzles. Over the years, we've collected a mish-mash of books that we no longer want to upload to vendors, mostly because we don't want to spark hope in people that we're going to revisit the series any time soon. (Or, ever. Sometimes the answer is truly: we won't. And on this page, it's honestly almost always that.)


But over the years, people have come looking for these books. They've begged us to make them available, and so we are slowly working on doing that. The Vault will be the final resting place of books you should read at your own risk. These series are unfinished, and likely to remain that way! If you're brave enough to venture forth... god speed and buckle in. Sometimes it gets weird in here.

Currently Available...