Starting from:


Hammer Down (Children of the Undying Book One)

Hammer Down is a post-apocalyptic paranormal cyberpunk trucker book with demons and angels and strange AI and magic and virtual reality and hackers and... listen, we shoved a whole lot of bonkers into this book. I think one review might have called it twenty pounds of plot in a five pound bag.

For better or worse, the book and its prequel novella didn't fare well out in the world. Our younger author imaginations might have wanted more than our baby author craft skills could handle. So the Children of the Undying series was set gently back on the shelf, to fade into urban legend. (Remember that time Bree and Donna wrote about post-apocalyptic demon truckers???)

We will probably never revisit this series, but by popular request we've made it available in our archive for those who want a glimpse of what might have been... and maybe a little insight of where a few of our more developed ideas came from.


Children of the Undying, Book One

While the tattered remains of humanity huddle underground, hiding in their virtual world, Devi prefers living topside, making dangerous hauls through the demon-infested wasteland earth has become. The wealth that comes from smuggling supplies to those shunned as summoner-born or demon-touched doesn’t hurt, either.

The man she meets to arrange one of those under-the-table hauls is complicated…and handsome as hell. Literally. A glimpse of the predator beneath his silver gaze and she’s tempted to break her cardinal rule: never mix business with pleasure.

Zel’s first look at the wild-haired hauler threatens to distract him from his mission—and reminds him just how long it’s been since he got laid. As the leader of an outcast settlement, he can’t afford to trust too easily. Devi’s got a reputation for running a tight, disciplined crew, but her very willingness to deal with him means she has something to hide.

Not to mention a hot, tempting package like her could be the cleverest trap his enemies have ever set.


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